Project Love

One Saturday a group of women met in a London space to jump around, proclaiming their love and support for one another and themselves.  And I was there to join in!  In fact, photographer Sarah Shattock and I leapt at the opportunity to capture their energy and find a little bit more out about their plans.

Selina Barker and Vicki Burtt have been drumming up attention for their new project – PROJECT LOVE – where they encourage women to try a new approach to dating and relationships – including that most valuable of all – our relationship with ourselves.

It’s a cliché but so true: women often put themselves under immense pressure to achieve in all aspects of life – including love.  The Project Love crew encourage us to be a little kinder to ourselves.  In developing positive habits, we can very naturally build on our emotional intelligence and improve our interactions with others*.

*Others may or may not include that hot stud from across the office/road/supermarket aisle.

It makes total sense.

Their ideas have already captured the attention of Psychologies magazine and The Huffington Post – so Selina and Vicki were on the lookout for photographs to illustrate their online content.

They invited a group of women who’ve supported the project so far and arrived armed with silver balloons, sparkling wine and 70s disco.  There was little left to do other than line ’em up and throw props at them as they paraded their joyful faces in front of the lens.

It proved to be an inspiring and very fun shoot.  DO check out the Project Love website for more information.

Admission: A number of helium balloons were harmed in the making of this album.

Selina and Vicki B&W balloons


Selina laughing with balloons behind scenes

Black and white Selina and Vicki LOVE balloons

Selina and Vicki LOVE balloons

Project Love group LOVE balloons 2

Project Love Group LOVE balloons 1

Blonde woman smiling

Brunette laughing with Vicki and prop

Project Love Group by wall

Girls strike pose

Selina with balloons

Vicki with balloons and hat

Brunette with rainbow umbrella




Casual Vicki and Selina by wall